Smoked Corn Tamale with Goat Cheese and Salsa Fresca

Ease of Preparation: Moderate
Yield: 10 servings
Basic Masa mixture:
1 cup plus ¼ cup fresh corn kernels (250 ml + 60ml)
½ cup medium diced Spanish onion (125ml)
1 jalapeño seeded and minced
1 cup vegetable stock (250ml)
1/3 cup unsalted butter (83ml)
¾ cup yellow corn meal fine grind (190ml)
1 teaspoon white sugar (5ml)
½ cup provolone grated cheese (125ml)
1.5 cups of goat cheese (375ml)
½ cup fresh basil (125ml)
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups spicy hot tomato salsa warmed (500ml)
24 cornhusks soaked in cool water for 2 hours cleaned and drained
3 cups of dry mesquite wood chips (750ml)
6 cups soaked in cool water for 1 hour and drained. (1.5L)
Puree one cup of the corn, the onion and the stock in a food processor.
Transfer mixture to a mixing bowl and add the butter in chunks.
Using your fingers, mix in the cornmeal, sugar, salt, pepper, jalapeño, ¼ cup of corn kernels, basil and grated provolone. The mixture should be like peanut butter in consistency. If it is too wet, add a little more corn meal, if it is too dry add a little more stock.
Set aside.
Pick out 20 of the best cornhusks. Place them in warm water for 10 minutes.
Tear the remaining husks into thin 1 inch (1.6cm) strips. These will be used for tying. Butcher string will also work.
Lay 2 husks flat on a work surface with the tapered ends facing out and broad bases overlapping by 3 inches (5cm). Lay another husk across these to form a cross.
Place a large spoonful of the corn mixture in the centre of the cross. Add a dollop of goat cheese or your favourite cheese in the middle and cover with another large spoonful corn mixture. Using your hands fold the husks over the mixture starting with the single husk that runs sideways and following with the long sides. Tie bundle up with twine as you would a gift parcel securing the husks firmly in place. Trim any loose ends of the string.
Prepare smoke pouches. Lay out a large sheet of tin foil. Place 2 cups of the drained, well soaked wood chips and one cup of the dry chips at the center of the foil. Wrap the foil around the wood chips to make a sealed pouch slightly smaller than your barbeque burner. Using the tines of a fork poke holes into both sides of the package through which the smoke will escape. Repeat this two more times for a total of three smoke pouches.
Prepare barbeque for indirect smoking. Remove the grate from one burner to the far side of the grill and turn this burner on high. Leave 2 the remaining burners off.
Place a drip pan under the grates that have no heat.
Place the smoke pouch directly over the flame. Close the lid of the barbeque and wait for smoke.
Adjust the heat to 220°F (104°C).
Place the tamales over the grates with the drip pan below.
Allow the tamales to slow smoke with lid down for 1 hour. To check if they are done slice through the husk to reveal the filling. If it is slightly firm and steaming then it is done.
Remove the tamales from the barbeque. Remove the ties and serve with warm salsa.