Fried Soft Shell Crab with Lime Pepper Aioli

Ease of preparation rating: Easy.
Yield: 4 servings.
Lime Pepper Aioli
3 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons (10ml) dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon (15ml) Sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon (15ml) lime juice
1 tablespoon (15ml) cracked black peppercorns
¾ cup (180ml) canola oil
In a food processor, combine all ingredients except the oil and blend until perfectly smooth.
Start slowly adding the canola oil as the food processor is running, until you reach the desired consistency.
Reserve for plating.
Fried Soft Shell Crab
4 soft shell crab, whole and fresh
8 egg yolks, beaten
¾ cup (180ml) cornstarch
¼ cup (60ml) Montreal steak spice
Salt and pepper, to taste
Frying oil
Pat the soft shell crab dry.
Place soft shell crab in a dish with the egg yolks.
In a mixing bowl, combine cornstarch and steak spice.
Heat frying oil to 350oF (180oC).
Remove crab from egg yolks and place in the dry mix.
Shake excess batter off the crab and place them in the oil.
Cook for 7-8 minutes, or until the crab is firm and crispy.
Remove from oil, and place on a paper towel to remove excess liquid.
Season with salt and pepper, and serve with Lime Pepper Aioli on the side.