Loup de Mer en Papillote, Écrasé Potatoes, Beurre Rouge

This recipe is part of the One Big Recipe: Loup de Mer Dinner
Beurre Rouge:
- 2/3 cup (160 ml) chopped red onion
- 2 cups (470 ml) light-bodied red wine
- 1 tablespoon (15 ml) chopped garlic
- 2 teaspoons (10 ml) black peppercorns
- 5 sprigs dill, stems (reserve fronds)
- 6 tablespoons (90 ml) cold, cubed butter
- Salt and pepper
Écrasé Potatoes:
- 2 pounds (907 g) small fingerling potatoes, cleaned
- ¼ cup (60 ml) softened butter
- ½ lemon, juice and zest
- Salt and pepper
Loup De Mer En Papillote:
- 1 yellow onion
- 1 bulb fennel
- 1 green bell pepper
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil, divided
- Salt
- 6 @ 3-4 ounce (85-113 g) fillets Loup de Mer, skin on
- 4 tablespoons (60 ml) dry white wine
- Lemon wedges, to garnish
- Reserved dill fronds, to garnish
Special Equipment:
- Parchment (not waxed) paper, 6 @ 12 x 16-inch (30 x 40 cm) rectangles
For the Beurre Rouge:
Heat a heavy pan over medium-high heat and combine the red onion, light-bodied red wine, chopped garlic, and black peppercorns.
Roughly chop the stems from 5 sprigs of dill, add stems to the pan with the wine, reserve the fronds for plating.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to the lowest setting, simmer for 2 hours, until fully reduced (less than ¼ cup (60 ml) liquid remaining.
When ready, remove the red wine reduction from the heat, strain the reduction through a fine mesh strainer and return to the pan.
While still hot but not over the heat, add 6 tablespoons (90 ml) cold, cubed butter, 1 cube at a time, swirling to combine between each addition.
Season with salt, transfer to a sauce pitcher.
For the Écrasé Potatoes:
Place a large pot of salted water on to boil.
Add the potatoes and boil for 18 minutes, until easily pierced with a knife.
When ready, drain the potatoes and let cool at room temperature.
Use a fork to partially mash the fingerling potatoes.
Add softened butter, the zest and juice of ½ lemon, season with salt and pepper.
Stir to combine, set aside at room temperature for the Loup de Mer en Papillote.
For the Loup De Mer En Papillote:
Heat the oven to 375 F (190 C).
Cut six large squares of parchment paper, 12 x 16 inches (30 x 40 cm).
Prep veggies for shaving: top, tail and peel 1 yellow onion. Remove stalks from a bulb of fennel, then remove core with a paring knife. Remove the seed pod from a green pepper by cutting a circle around the stem and lifting it out.
With a very sharp knife, shave the onion, fennel, and bell pepper as thinly as possible.
Toss the shaved veggies together, separating the strands with your fingers.
Drizzle veggies with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil, season with salt.
Season both sides of the Loup de Mer fillets with salt and pepper. Drizzle with remaining olive oil.
Assemble the papillotes as follows:
- In the middle front of each parchment, lay on a spoonful of the prepared Écrasé Potatoes (about 1/3 cup/80 ml). Press into a bed for the veggies and fish.
- Over the potatoes, divide the mixed shaved veggies, about ¼ cup (60 ml) per package.
- Lay 1 fillet of the fish over the veggies in each package, presentation side facing up.
- Lay one slice of lemon over each fillet, along with a single fennel frond.
- Drizzle 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) of dry white wine into each package.
- Fold the back half of the parchment over the front, enclosing the ingredients, like closing a laptop.
- Starting at the top left corner, make a series of small roll/folds to the paper and continue rolling and folding in the same direction, from one end to the other, enclosing the ingredients, and completing a half moon shape.
- When the half-moon is complete, tightly pinch and fold under the end to prevent unraveling.
- Repeat for all 6 packages.
- Transfer the pouches to 2 baking trays and set trays aside at room temperature until needed.
Bake the papillotes for 12 minutes, until the fish is just cooked through.
To Serve:
When ready, retrieve the papillotes from the oven.
Garnish 6 plates with reserved dill fronds and lemon wedges.
Arrange the papillotes on the plates, serve with the sauce pitcher alongside.
Serve immediately, show your guests how to open the papillote and pour in the sauce!