Vanilla Custard with Dulce De Leche and Whipped Cream


Ease of preparation rating: Complex.

Yield: 8 servings.




½ cup (120ml) sugar

¼ cup (60ml) water



Mix both ingredients together in a sauce pan, and heat over medium high heat.

Boil until mixture starts darkening.

Once the syrup is golden brown and smells like caramel, pour evenly into 8 different serving ramequins.

Let cool until caramel is solid in the base of the ramequin.




8 cups (2L) milk

1 cup (240ml) sugar

1 vanilla pod

6 whole eggs

6 egg yolks

2 tablespoons (30ml) whiskey

Ramequins of caramel

Dulche de leche, to garnish

Whipped cream, to garnish



Preheat oven to 320oF (160oC).

Heat milk in a saucepan with vanilla pod over medium-high heat.

Bring to boil, and cook for 1-2 minutes.

Remove from heat and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together egg yolks, eggs, sugar and whiskey until the mixture has lightened in color and becomes airy.

Remove the vanilla pod from the warm milk.

Pour half of the hot milk in to the egg mixture, stirring constantly.

Stir for 2 minutes, and pour in the rest of the warm milk. Stir for 1 additional minute.

Pour equal amounts of flan mixture into the 8 ramequins already filled with caramel.

Place ramequins in a deep baking dish, and fill the bottom of the dish with water so the bottom halves of the ramequins are submerged.

Place baking dish with flan cups in the oven, and cook for 35-45 minutes, or until the flan has set and is firm.

Remove from heat, and remove ramequins from bain-marie.

Place flan in the refrigerator to cool for 2 hours.

Run a small knife around the edges of the flan, and turn over on a plate to remove the flan from the cup.

The caramel will cover the top of the flan.

Serve cold, and garnish with Dulce de Leche and whipped cream.