May the Fourth be with You!

Happy #StarWarsDay! In an ode to you celebrating a little differently this year, we are here to make the most of it. Elevate your culinary curiosity with few of our favorite cosmic creations – sure to get the house smelling great. Do. Or do not. There is no try!

Galaxy Hidden Star Mirror Cake

No need to jump into a starship to get a taste of the universe. Take your kitchen to a galaxy far… with all of that flour you have purchased! Venture into the unknown alongside our Galaxy Hidden Star Mirror Cake with a secret ingredient and a solar surprise! This recipe may be complex, but follow carefully…  and awaken your baking skills, you will.


Constellation Candy Apples

Need a healthy twist? Create some otherworldly apples with our Constellation Candy Apples recipe. With a mixture of sugar, water, and gooey corn syrup you can easily create a shiny coating for the apples. And by adding a little food colouring, you’ll create a mesmerizing galaxy pattern that takes this recipe to the next level.


Share your creations on social with #gustogourmet and May the fourth be with you!