Preparation is easy.
Preparation time is 30 minutes
Yield: 1 litre.
- 3 ½ ounces red chilies (105 grams)
- 4 cups sesame oil (1 litre)
- 2 tablespoons sweet paprika (30 millilitres)
- Remove the stalks from the chilies. Put them in a food processor and whiz until they are finely chopped. Transfer the chillies to a saucepan and add the sesame oil. Heat it gently until it reaches nearly 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees centigrade, in other words, nearly boiling.
- Simmer the oil for 15 minutes. Watch the temperature as it does not want to boil.
- Remove the pan from the heat, cool it slightly, then stir in the paprika.
- Set the oil aside to cool before pouring it through a coffee filter or wet cheese cloth. Keeps for 1 year.