Duck Crown (dry out in the fridge for 2 days)
Coriander Seed
Kosher Salt
Dark Maple Syrup
1. Toast coriander seed, and add this to a pot with whiskey, and maple and let this cook
2. Place duck crown on a sheet tray, glaze it with the Maple-Whiskey-Honey glaze and pop it in the oven at 425 degrees, crisping up the skin.
3. Remove duck crown from the oven, and glaze again
4. Plate the duck crown on a plate of hay, glazing again
All recipes featured in this episode Bring on The Karbs! were improvised by Josh and Erica Karbelnik. Please note that the following recipes are approximations of what unfolded during the episode.
We encourage you to embrace the spirit of experimentation when recreating these dishes and share your results with us. Individual results may vary.