Kaffir Lime & Coconut Panna Cotta Ingredients:
500 ml Coconut Milk
500 ml 35 % cream
1/2 cup white sugar
6 sheets gelatine
6 kaffir lime leaves
Kaffir Lime & Coconut Panna Cotta Method:
1. Mix coconut milk, cream, sugar and kaffir lime in a pot
2. Bring up to a boil, turn off the heat
3. Bloom the gelatine in cold water
4. Add to the cream mixture whisk until all incorporated
5. Wrap a half sheet tray with plastic wrap – this should not be tight, it should immediately touch the sheet tray on the bottom and all sides
6. Strain the panna cotta mix into the half sheet tray, let set in the fridge
7. Once fully set, place in the freezer
Coconut Ice Cream Ingredients:
12 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut cream
1/2 cup 35 percent cream
Coconut Ice Cream Method:
1. Whisk egg yolks and sugar in a bowl
2. Bring coconut cream and cream into a pot and bring to a boil
3. Temper the cream mixture into the eggs, slowly, while whisking as to not scramble the eggs
4. Strain mixture
5. Place a layer of plastic wrap over the top directly on the mixture to prevent a skin
6. Let cool in the fridge
7. Spin in an ice cream machine
Additional Ingredients:
Tapioca pearls
Finger limes
Micro Sorrel
Jasmin Tea
Plating Method:
Boil tapioca pearls
Strain tapioca pearls and steep in Jasmin tea
Slice finger limes
Remove panna cotta from freezer and punch out with a ring mould, place this on a plate, will top with ice cream and finger limes
Add tapioca pearls & micro sorrel
All recipes featured in this episode Bring on The Karbs! were improvised by Josh and Erica Karbelnik. Please note that the following recipes are approximations of what unfolded during the episode.
We encourage you to embrace the spirit of experimentation when recreating these dishes and share your results with us. Individual results may vary.