Canned Cherries | Cook like a Chef


Preparation is medium

Preparation time is 50 minutes

Yield: 7, 1 litre jars


  • 900 grams sugar (2 pounds)
  • 2 litres water (2 quarts)
  • 10 pounds cherries (5 kilograms)


  1. Remove the stems from all the cherries and throw away any cherries with blemishes or mould. Wash them in cold water and drain well. Using a sterile paring knife, prick both sides of the cherry; this will stop the fruit from splitting during processing.
  2. Wash and sterilize the jars and keep the warm. Boil the lids and screw band for at least five minutes to sterilize and soften the compound.
  3. Dissolve the sugar with the water and bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and keep it just under a simmer.
  4. Fill the cannier with water and bring to a boil. Pack the warm jars with cherries and pour hot syrup over the top and leave 1 centimetre headspace. Remove any air bubbles by gently tapping the bottom of the jars and add more syrup if appropriate.
  5. Wipe the jar rims, centre the lids and apply the screw tops until finger tight.
  6. Process in the pressure cooker for 35 to 40 minutes (for both 500ml and 1 litre jars).
  7. Carefully remove the jars from the pressure cooker and let cool. Once lids are down and sealed, wipe the jars clean and tighten the screw tops.
  8. Store somewhere cool, dry and dark.