Chickpea Bread


Ease of preparation rating: Easy.

Yield:  2-3 servings.



1 cup (240ml) chick pea flour, sifted

3 egg yolks, beaten

3 tablespoons (45ml) chai tea

3 tablespoons (45ml) milk

Frying oil

Salt, to taste



In a mixing bowl, combine flour, egg yolks, milk and chai tea.

Mix until you reach a firm, uniform dough.

Roll out the dough over a lightly floured surface until it is approximately ¼ inch thick.

Cut the dough in strips that are approximately 1 inch wide.

Heat frying oil to 375oF (190oC).

Deep-fry the chick pea bread strips for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.

Remove from oil and place on a paper towel to remove excess liquid.

Season with salt.


*Serve with Chai Tea Mussels. See recipe.